
Sean Scully in Against Landscape

Reid Gallery, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
1 July – 23 August 2017

Against Landscape brings together the work of fifteen artists and Grizedale Arts, a rural organisation in the Lake District. The selected artworks all position themselves against landscape - sometimes aligned to the landscape tradition or supported by it - but at other times seemingly running counter or against it.

Curated by artist Daniel Sturgis in collaboration with Grizedale Arts, Against Landscape focuses on how the ideas, genius loci or place of landscape painting have been manifested, but not overtly displayed, in a variety of practices. As such, the exhibition will therefore not include any 'straight-forward' landscape paintings, but spotlights the complex relationship to landscape within each of these artists' work. The exhibition asks you to consider what it means to represent or refer to 'landscape painting' now and how other ideas are always held in that representation.